Pretty Emails from Shell Scripts

One of the key usage of shell scripts is to monitor systems and jobs and send out notification alerts to email addresses. With the advent of smartphones and always-connected devices, these emails are not limited to 140-characters of plain text and can provide a rich layout and format to make it easier to understand the issue at hand and provide useful recovery information for support personnel.

You can combine uuencode and sendmail to send formatted html notification emails with attachments. Use some shell scripting glue and you can put everything in a simple script as shown below.


notify_html <email> <subject> ["<attach1> [name1]" ... "<attachN> [nameN]"] < body.txt


gen_error_html | notify_html "Issue with job one" \
       "one.3212345.log one.log"


typeset -r UTILS_UUENCODE=uuencode
typeset -r UTILS_SENDMAIL=sendmail

## Takes a list of file names and encodes them properly to be attached to an email
function process_attachments

    ## loop over all the remaining parameters and create uuencode commands to encode attachments
    for arg in "$@"
        ## The remote name for the attachment is optional, so append the same name if it is missing
        if [[ $arg != *\ * ]]; then
            $UTILS_UUENCODE $arg $arg
            $UTILS_UUENCODE $arg

function notify_html 
    typeset -r SYSTEM=$(uname -s)
    typeset email="$1"
    typeset subject="$2"
    shift 2
        ## pass-through email body content
        ## Add a footer
        echo "\n\rMessage generated from $system at $(date)"
        ## Add any attachments
        process_attachments "$@"
    ) | sendmail_html "$email" "$system: $subject"

    return $?

function sendmail_html
    typeset email="$1"
    typeset subject="$2"

        echo "Subject: $subject"
        echo "MIME-Version: 1.0"
        echo "Content-Type: text/html"
        echo "Content-Disposition: inline"
        ## pass-through email body content, including attachments
    ) | $UTILS_SENDMAIL $email

notify_html "$@"